Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reclaiming 'intelligent design' with stunning photos

Link: Reclaiming 'intelligent design' with stunning photos

The Art of Science contest at Princeton University has a simple goal: to show off the most beautiful and coolest of all images produced at the university in the course of scientific research.

Whether mapping neurons or photographing the field coils of an electrical generator, a scientist rarely sets out with a strong aesthetic vision for his or her work; the purpose is not to create something that looks good. Nevertheless, often in the pursuit of some scientific goal, “Art happens,” says Princeton’s vice-dean of engineering Pablo Debenedetti, who announced the 2011 winners on Friday. “Science and engineering are profoundly human activities. They often produce beautiful objects,” Debenedetti explains. Art of Science, a competition and art show launched in 2005 and which has run annually since 2009, gives researchers and students a forum to appreciate that beauty in their work.

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